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About the Author

Sheldon Graham resides in Sydney, Australia with his Partner Dieu Ho. He likes to spend much of his time in his studio, writing articles for Simple Solutions Magazine and writing to his followers. As a child, Sheldon loved to invent and create all kinds of new and wonderful things. He would lay on the trampoline in his backyard, staring up and into the big blue sky, and he would imagine solving all the worlds problems. At night, Sheldon sometimes would have a friend sleep over, and he would share his imagination and perspective of the universe with the other child until they both fell asleep.

Over the years Sheldon kept on thinking of many new and exciting ideas to solve many of the global issues in ways that had not been implemented ever before. However, he never really knew what he should do with his ideas, except for telling the person beside him at the time he thought of the solution. Sheldon’s drive and passion for technology increased after realising that he could make a difference in the world with just his single voice. He decided to write to the New Inventors Society and share with them one of his ideas. Only Sheldon quickly learned that the The New Inventors Society was soon to be closed down, and his returned letter confirmed it.

‘Dear Mr Graham. We regret to inform you that The New Inventors Society is not currently taking on any new projects….etc.

Yours sincerely The New Inventors

Sheldon hadn’t given up hope just yet…


To be concluded.

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